

造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件, 造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件

提供造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件的详细产品服务资讯,包括型号、名称、叙述和规格。我们秉持着精益求精及高品质保证,提供一系列实用且价格合理的造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件产品,并以多年的丰富经验及技术获得国内外客户赞许及肯定,若您有任何采购造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件, 吸箱面板, 纸厂, 刮刀, 抄纸机耐磨组件,工业零件,机械加工零件,耐磨导轨,滑动元件,造纸,荷重工作桌,CNC加工需求,欢迎与我们联络。




  • 优异滑性,摩擦系数低,减低摩耗,延长网布寿命,降低运转成本。
  • 线性热膨胀系数是一般PE的一半,高速运转下不变形。
  • 尺寸安定,具有高耐冲击性。
  • 安装/维护简易。
产品特性 :

HISHIRON is ultra high molecular weight polyethylene produced by the sinter press process.It has been used in the Paper making industry for many years with great success.
HISHIRON is used on high speed achines in paper mills throughout the world.
HISHIRON is used in conjunction with either metal or plastic wires. Under material which molecular weight over 4.5 million.

This is the most widely used grade of material for high speed machines.Colours: natural black, yellow.

HISHIRON Special-80:
This grade is a special development for use with plastic wires on High Speed Heavy Base paper Machine.

HISHIRON Standard:
This grade is recommended for use on medium speed machines. The material is a fine blend of virgin powder with the addition of regenerated polymer,with a resiltant lower price.
Colours:Black, and green

HISHIRON "G" with ultra-fine glass beads, graphite and carbon.

This grade is developed for use on highest speed machines, suitable for plastic wiresand bronze wirs.

HISHIRON suction box covers have the following advantages:

  • The measured co-efficient of friction for HISHIRON material is 0.08 which comp- ares very favouralby with other plastics where the friction is between 0.16 and 0.20,or cross grain wood of 0.3.
  • Faster machine speeds can be achieved through the low coefficient of friction.
  • Less motive power required to drive machines.
  • The material has a high impact strength and cannot break or splinter . Temperature resistent to 1000C.
  • RCH is the registered trade mark of Ruhrchemie AG.

  • Suctionbox covers (吸箱板)
  • Forming boards (成型板)
  • Foil covers (水翼板)
  • Doctor blades (刮刀叶片)
  • Scraper blades (刮水板)
  • Deflector blades (转向叶片)
  • Profile strips etc. (外型割片等)
Perforation types
in commercial use and special finish will be supplied at most competive prices. The stated standard patterns are mainly used.
Wet suction box covers are normally fabricated with slot perforation(see picture),wher- eby the slots have an angle of 15 to 30 degrees against wire direction.
Greater angles can bring up diffculties manufacturing.The width of the slots-same is also valid for flat suction box covers-should be made in a way that the moving of the wire into the sheet is mostly avoided.At the same time,the wear of the wire at the front edges is reduced accordingly .In this connection also a suf- ficient width of the traverse between the slots has to be given. A rule of thumb says that this width should not be much smaller than the width of the slot
The length of the slots varies in case of long slots between 150 and 500 mm and in case of other designs between 15 and 300mm.By experience of the manufacturing of clovers we can say that each stablizing bridge influences although only a little bit the drainagen unfavourably. Therefore only such a number than the cover is stable enough.
1)Sealing Strips (Suction Press Roll) 4)Vickery Felt Conditioner Shoe
2)Felt Suction Pipe Cover 5)Doctor Blade (Breast Roll)
3)Felt Suction Pipe Cover (Fabric-Wire) 6)Doctor Blade (Wire Return Roll)

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恒祥龙实业股份有限公司─工程塑胶圆棒、平板、加工品专业制造厂以顾客满意服务为宗旨,提供专业的造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件咨询与服务。欢迎您透过上述表单将造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件的洽询需求传送给我们,我们会尽快与您联络。若您对于其他造纸工业用之吸箱面板和脱水零组件, 吸箱面板, 纸厂, 刮刀, 抄纸机耐磨组件,工业零件,机械加工零件,耐磨导轨,滑动元件,造纸,荷重工作桌,CNC加工产品服务有任何采购需求,亦可来信或来电洽询,我们会提供最优质服务并且立即解决您的问题。